Welcome Family & Friends
“Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful; for beauty is God's handwriting ~ a wayside sacrament. Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every fair flower, and thank God for it as a cup of blessing."
~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Last year as I was contemplating my 40th year on this big blue planet, that I have not seen nearly enough of, I thought that it was time to set some firm goals for myself rather than constantly saying “Wouldn’t it be nice to one day…”. Instead of having another blowout birthday bash, I have decided to opt for something a little more introspective. So, that’s it. 2011 is the year I’m doing my Pilgrimage on The Camino De Santiago De Compostela.
Why have I waited so long? Well to be truthful, I really had not heard about it until recently. I actually happened upon the idea watching an episode of "Burt Wolf's Travels & Traditions" on PBS one weekend. Then there's also the finances associated with such a long journey rife with logistics. This endeavor isn’t going to be cheap when you add up plane fare, hiking equipment, 50 euros a day, and time off from work. But my plans are slowly materializing. It’s going to happen - I can see it! I've even asked my friends and family to keep me to my word on this one. I plan on starting my trek in late September during the less congested season. If all goes well, I should end my journey close to the end of October 2011!
I created this blog to keep you all informed on my progress in the months leading up to my trip. This blog will give me a forum to educate everyone about the Pilgrimage and its history...and even comment on the French and Spanish cultures. I also plan on doing a lot of fundraising to help me pay for things I will need, so check back often as I announce events and opportunities for you to help me reach my goals. Speaking of goals, I will also be doing a lot of physical training to ready my body for the long walk. I will be sure to post all my trials and tribulations here as well. I know a lot of you will get a kick out of hearing how I "get back into shape" over the next few months. Please don't hold back if you have any tips that will aid in my fitness.
I will also utilize this blog to diary and chronicle my days while on the Pilgrimage. It will be my main mode of communication since I will be all the way in Spain. I will try and post daily musings of my travels, send out pretty pictures of the contryside, and tell you about all the wonderful people I encounter along the way. My path will take me across 350+ miles of beautiful landscapes starting near the Pyrenees and traversing all the way out to the Galician coast. I’m figuring on 4-5 weeks to reach the Cathedral where the remains of Saint James The Greater rest - I know, can you believe it?!!!
So thanks for visiting my blog! Please come by and poke around as I send out future updates and please spread the word - I want to share this story with everyone and anyone that is willing to listen and learn!
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."
Love Always,
Richert Gordon
Thursday, November 19, 2009
2009 Run To Feed The Hungry
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Fundraiser Alert!: It’s a Jewelry Trunk Show, a Book Sale, & a Loose Change Drive!
I have been making jewelry for many years - many of you have already purchased my pieces in my shop RELISH or at my online store on Etsy. For this special fundraising event I will be pulling from my old inventory, and I will also be revealing fancy new blingy pieces that have just been created. This means I will have lots of pretty treasures on sale for UNDER A $AWBUCK!!! And, if you so please, you can also purchase my premium choice stock that will be over $100.00 a piece. I will have rhinestone rings, beaded watches, luxurious necklaces, and stylish bracelets - something for everyone! You can get a ton of your shopping done all at once!
I will also have a varied selection of beautiful books for sale…and get this…EVERY SINGLE PIECE WILL ONLY BE $5.00 - WHAT A BARGAIN!!! All volumes are BRAND NEW and will include: Martha Stewart craft books, Coffee Table Photography books, Cookbooks, Children’s Christmas books, AND, MUCH, MUCH, MORE!!! Where else can you get 4 presents for $20.00?
Finally, I will also be collecting loose change in a big glass jar. Bring those bad pennies that keep showing up, your dirty dimes, and ashtray quarters. Empty out your purses and pockets to lighten your load - I WILL TAKE YOUR COINAGE AND PUT IT TO GOOD USE!!! Thanks in advance for your kind donations!
So here are the details: This exciting fundraiser will be happening at Corrick’s on Saturday December 5th ALL DAY from 10am - 6pm. There will also be special LIVE musical performances by Jazz Vocalist Susan Lee Vick from 4pm - 6pm and also Acoustic Piano pieces performed by Corrick Brown & Norma Reddert-Brown throughout the day! Since this event is being held separate from the retail store sales, I kindly ask that you please pay me with either cash or personal check. One last thing - for every person that purchases more than $100.00 in items, you will receive a special Holiday Ornament to hang on your tree as a personal gift from me!!!
637 Fourth Street
Downtown Santa Rosa, California 95404
Buy Me A Hot Morning Cortado!
Yolanda Salondaka